
While I am a practicing financial advisor and Certified Financial Planner ™, I am in no way assuming to know what your individual circumstances are.  Nothing on this website should be considered individual investment advice tailored for you.  You should do your own due diligence on any investment strategies or advice given to see if it makes sense for your own situation.

I may receive a fee if you purchase a product through any links on this site.  For links where I do receive a fee: I either believe in the product, which should come through in my writing, or I have voiced my concerns regarding the product.  Not all links produce fees for me.  Some products I believe in and think they can help you even if I don’t get paid for it.  Those are worth promoting no matter what.

I welcome open discussion between members on the various topics discussed.  You can have a dialog with someone that has a differing opinion without it degrading into personal attacks or cyberbullying.  Remember, we’re all here trying to get better.  So stay humble and disagree in a respectful way.

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