
This blog really isn’t about me, but rather the topics we talk about, so I’ll go ahead and get the introduction of myself out of the way.  My name is Mr….. shit!  I need a nickname if this is going to be anonymous, don’t I? Mr. Shit doesn’t sound right.  I’ll have to put some thought into that and come up with something super cool and hip. How about Mister Money Mustache?  Oh, that alias is taken already? Eh, f- it… my name’s Martin and here’s my story:

I went to a top college where I majored in business.  Seriously one of the best engineering schools anywhere (yea, I said I majored in business).   I go to an office each day and help people be smart with their money.  I am currently a Certified Financial Planner ™ and have a series 65 license.  In the past, I’ve also held series 7, 63, and 6 licenses.  I deal with hundreds of clients and hundreds of millions of dollars in my nine-to-five career.  I’ve seen my investing advice work time and again for our clients through the accumulation phase and, even more importantly, through the retirement phase.  They live better lives because of what my firm does, and I hope you can also benefit from the information on this site.

I currently live a pretty ‘normal’ life as far as finances are concerned: my wife and I each have a car, we live in a nice house, and we like nice things.  So how does that get me in the same conversation as the frugal people retiring early?  Well, even though that’s my current situation, I could change it at any point: everything is fully paid for.  House, cars, etc.  I could sell it all and be able to live off the interest & dividends of my investments. Wait a minute, could I?  This blog will help me sort through all of the subjects to find that out while not jeopardizing the J-O-B currently paying for everything.

I hope the articles and information provided here will further validate my credentials.  My goal is to provide great advice that is easy for you to implement through insightful, thought-provoking articles that take a different angle on a topic that’s already been covered by others.

Thanks for visiting, please stay for a while, and enjoy!