Tax Implications of Common Investment Strategies

Tax Implications of Common Investment Strategies

Income, Investing
Understanding the tax implications of your investment strategy is as important as the strategy itself. This article is a follow up to “Want a Great Retirement”.  That article went into the pros and cons of common retirement income strategies.  This article will go into the tax implications of those common investment strategies. Buy individual bonds There are three main tax structures for bonds: Treasuries are taxed at the federal level but usually avoid state income taxes.Municipals avoid federal tax and usually avoid state income tax if they were issued from the state you reside in.  For example, if you live in New York and buy Ohio muni’s, New York will make you pay state income tax on that income.Corporate bond income is taxed as ordinary income with no special treatment. The ideal scenario…
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A Smarter Take on the 3 Fund Portfolio

A Smarter Take on the 3 Fund Portfolio

Improve on the 3 fund portfolio by combining a diversified stock ETF with better bonds. This article will show you how small tweaks can improve the 3 fund portfolio. Your standard 3 fund portfolio  If you go anywhere near Vanguard or the Bogleheads site, you'll see a 3 fund portfolio that looks something like this: 50% VTSMX (Total stock market)20% VGTSX (Total international stock market)30% VBMFX (Total bond market) You can use the admiral share versions for even lower fees: VTSAX, VTIAX, VBTLX. Here are the returns of the mutual fund portfolio: Yes, its also called the "Lazy" portfolio but that's not an insult. In this case, being lazy is seen as a positive attribute. Here's the ETF equivalent (and of course we like ETFs more): 50% VTI20% VEU or VXUS (pretty…
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The 3 Fund Portfolio: Your Starting Point to Financial Freedom

The 3 Fund Portfolio: Your Starting Point to Financial Freedom

A mix of basic index funds beats most active management What is the 3 fund portfolio? Everyone's talking about a 3 fund portfolio, aka the lazy man's portfolio, that actually beats professional money managers.  Way back in the day a man named John Bogle started a company called Vanguard.  His entire premise was that it's extremely difficult to beat the market consistently year after year, so why not just try to match it?  He created index mutual funds for that simple purpose: match the market, don't try to beat the market. Obviously, he was on to something because now passive index funds are extremely popular.  A group of investors emerged calling themselves Bogleheads, as in followers of what John Bogle was preaching.  They wanted to keep their investments simple, low-cost,…
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Compound Interest: The 8th Wonder of the World

Compound Interest: The 8th Wonder of the World

Investing, Money Mindset, Top Posts
Compound interest is a concept you have to understand if you want to be rich. Not one of the official ancient wonders, but it is ancient and wonderful. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Those are known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Unfortunately, only one of them can still be visited today.  Who thinks there's an eighth wonder? Well, according to Albert Einstein: "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it... he who doesn't... pays it." - Albert Einstein What is compound interest Compound interest is the interest you earn on the interest…
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